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The judges panel in 2025 consists of 13 judges and Anne-Dorte Mathiesen as jury chairman. All judges in the panel have an area of expertise that they must ensure is taken into account when reviewing all the beauty products, treatments, venues, accessories and fiery souls. The areas of expertise are ingredients and composition, skin, hair, makeup, functionality, branding or the professional user. The judges test all products entered into the competition. They judge everything individually and meet for judges' meetings where the five nominees in each category are found. They find the winners, which are revealed at a big award ceremony. The judges occasionally use other testers to try the products if they are not themselves in the product's target group. Judges will always collect the assessments themselves for use at the judges' meetings. The judges have different methods for evaluating the products. They include products in their everyday life, blind tests for fragrance evenings with friends, and maybe compare a product on the right side of the face with another on the left side as a method. It is not a scientific test by any means, but 13 different people's perception of deliciousness and effectiveness. There are ethical guidelines for the judges, and they sign a contract to be impartial in their judgement. Please see judges at the Danish page.